
Client: 3Beat Records

3Beat records - album launch & relationships forever

The Challenge

Callum Beattie's new album needed the recognition it deserved

3Beat tasked us with bringing attention to Callum Beattieā€™s latest album release. They wanted to build hype both before and after the release, and focus on pushing a couple of specific songs too.


The Solution

Finding influencers that loved similar artists and introducing them properly to Callum

Callum has already achieved a lot, but we knew there would be a chance that some influencers may not have heard of him. We ensured we approached those that had publicly demonstrated a taste in similar artists before allowing them the time to properly buy into Callum’s journey. We even had one influencer jointly host a live Q&A and performance with Callum on Instagram. This influencer went on to share his other releases outside of the campaign, months later for no cost.

The Results

Here's how it went down

  • Pieces of content


  • Campaign reach


  • Engagement


  • Visits to store
